by Amy Heyboer
When you see a Staged home it is beautiful and perfect and usually not decorated for living. The reason for this is because when Stagers transform a space, the main goal is to showcase the home for sale—not for personal style or taste. Stagers want homebuyers to walk freely from room to room and feel invited. Each aspect of the Stage is to highlight the special details of the home and remove buyer’s questions. However, there are some Staging techniques that can help inspire your home decor and way of living, for the better!

Photo Credit: Home by Heidi
In all Staged homes the bed in the master bedroom is always made and looks grand. There are fluffy pillows and the sheets are perfectly folded and neat. Beyond just the look of a made bed, the act of making your bed is an excellent habit. Gretchen Rubin author of “The Happiness Project” found that making your bed is one of the easiest things you can do to be happier. It sounds simple enough but numerous studies show that starting your day with a productive habit leads off a chain-reaction for other positive habits. So go ahead and buy those fancy sheets and oversized pillows and make your bedroom your sleeping sanctuary. After all, there’s scientific proof to back you up—plus you deserve it!
#2~BOOKS, BOOKS and MORE BOOKS! (Scroll)
Books are a great tool for Stagers. We use cookbooks in the kitchen, novels for the study, and throughout the entire home. Books are a ultimate source of inspiration. If you don’t have time to sit and cuddle-up to finish a book, sometimes just a sentence can motivate you! I love having influential books to look at and glance at and re-read. Creating an area in your home to inspire creativity and encouragement is a excellent way to promote productivity.

Photo Credit: Total LifeStyle Builders
Clutter is the enemy of a Stager. We want all Staged homes to be clutter-free and clean. In a vacant home that is an easy task for the obvious reason that no one lives there. Yet, when you live in your home you need those things that create clutter. We have clothes and accessories and bills and everyday “stuff.” For some people the thought of decluttering and cleaning out their belongings is overwhelming. The key is to start small. You don’t have to worry about emptying out every kitchen drawer in one day. Rather, just do one drawer every Saturday until you finish. Your clothes can also be tricky because you may feel like you will need something as soon as you give it away. However, instead of stressing out, the next time you buy something new try to get rid of something old that you haven’t recently worn. This habit makes it easier to part with things and less of a cumbersome task. When you live with less it gives you more of an opportunity to use only the items that you love, and that is always beneficial.
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